Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lesson Plan

I decided to do a 2nd grade lesson plan on science. I like biology and if I was to begin teaching tomorrow, I would probably pick a 2nd grade class to begin with, or 3rd. Just not Kindergarten. I love the little tikes, but, well...

I still, at 27 years old, have a difficult time using Microsoft Excel, so, I decided to incorporate Excel into my lesson. In this lesson the kids classify different animals they can come up with under 6 different headings, with the different classifications as headers. Perhaps as a follow up to this activity I could even teach the class how to set up an Excel file as a database tool for records. They could keep their own database recordings of grades, assignments, etc...

In many of my student lessons I allow the students to use internet search engines as research tools. I think it's very important to teach students now how to accurately and efficiently use the internet as a research tool.

At younger ages students might become sidetracked with the abundance of information given to them while surfing the internet, and I think in this growing internet age it's important to educate younger people how to filter that information to only "tap in" to the pertinent information provided.

If I were to teach a 2nd grade class, I would def. incorporate this lesson into the curriculum. I pulled the state standards from the Tennessee education website for 2nd grade science.

Animal Classification

Grade: 2nd Grade

Subject: Science (Life)

Purpose: Students will learn to identify and describe various example and characteristics of animals within the 5 categories of vertebrae.

Description: This lesson will introduce students to the 5 categories of vertebrae; mammal, reptile, amphibian, bird and fish. At the conclusion of the lesson students will be able to define vertebrae and list various examples of animals found within each category. Students will also utilize technology in researching (monitored internet search engines) and for recording research findings (Microsoft Excel document).


1. Students will be shown a video from the “Planet Earth” series produced by National Geographic. The students will be introduced to different types of animals throughout the specific region. Additional videos may be shown as desired and as time allots.

2. The teacher will write the 5 categories of vertebrae on the board and ask for student volunteers to approach the board and write characteristics of each category under the heading. Examples of characteristics should include but are not limited to: mammal: fur, warm blooded, lungs to breathe; amphibians: smooth skin; reptile: scaly skin, lay eggs; bird: feathers, lay eggs; fish: cold blooded, aquatic, scales; etc..


A1, A2, C1

3. Students will be organized into small groups and taken to the library for research. There are 24 students in the class, so there should be six groups of four. Three groups will be placed at the computers where they will be permitted to use an appropriate search engine to research various examples of animals in each classification. Students will be asked to record their results on a piece of paper.

The other groups will be permitted to research in encyclopedias, magazines, books, etc... for various examples of animals in the given classifications. These students will also be asked to record their results on a piece of paper.

After 15 minutes, the groups will switch.

A1, A2, C1, T1, T3, T5

4. After 40 minutes of research the class will return to the classroom. The instructor will have set up excel spreadsheets on each of the three computers for the students to record their findings.

There will be 5 headings with the 5 vertebrae categories and students will be instructed to list all the animals they found under the appropriate categories.

The first three groups will be permitted to list their data on the computers while the other three groups list additional characteristics of each animal category on the board. Students will be explained the difference between an actual example (dog) and a characteristic of examples found in each category (furry).

After 10 minutes the groups will switch and the teacher will print off the three completed excel sheets and load the three blank sheets for the next three groups.


A1, A2, C1, T1, T3, T5

5. After all of the data has been recorded, the teacher will calculate which group found the most examples for each category. The teacher will read aloud the different and interesting examples listed on the 6 excel spreadsheets.

A1, A2, C1

Tools and Resources

Microsoft Excel

DVD Player, Television, Library Computers, Classroom Computers


Encyclopedias, Magazines, Books found in library


Group results from the project will be assessed for understanding of the assignment. Testing at the end of the life science block will also assess student’s understanding of the vertebrae animal categories.


Students should be monitored for accuracy and efficiency as they research on the library computers. The school system firewall prevents access to adult material, but it is easy for 2nd graders to become off task as they work with computers, and, they may need individual attention as they look for appropriate resources around the library adaptable to the assigned task.