Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Video

This is a link to the video I created:

Since I can't access ETSU's server through my Mac, I posted my movie on youtube. I finished editing this video this morning. It is a compilation of my wife's ultrasounds a couple weeks ago. Here is the process I used to edit this video:

1. I hooked up a digital camcorder to the ultrasound. My wife is an OBgyn Resident, so I was able to dabble a bit more with the ultrasound machine than your average Joe. One the technician began ultrasounding, I started recording - directly into the camcorder's hard drive.

2. When I got home I uploaded the video to my computer.

3. I then opened iMovie and imported the video into the program. (the computer actually did this automatically when I loaded the video feed.

4. Next I used Limewire, a legal free program, to import songs Brooke had selected for the movie. Once the songs were downloaded, they were automatically imported into iTunes.

5. Once the songs were in iTunes, I could simply drag them to iMovie and the video clip I was editing.

6. After I had all the songs in iMovie, I was able to go through and edit them how I wanted, splicing and dicing.

7. I added some features to make the movie flow a little more creatively, through transitions available through the iMovie software.

Easy as that. Raising the kid in the video - that's a different story all together! Here's the link again:

I use iMovie for editing lots of simple videos I grab on both my digital camera and camcorder. It makes editing super easy. I've created lots of kayaking videos and music recordings....again, super easy. I know a lot of people toot Mac's horn and speak to how great Mac's are. I have to agree. I've had my Macbook Pro for two years. I was on the waiting list when the first ones were produced. I've had absolutely no problems from the machine, it has never crashed, and it came standard at $2000 with all the hardware and software I would ever need for both music recording and editing (through Garageband), movie editing (through iMovie), DVD creation (through iDVD), iTunes, Keynote, can download all the windows software. It's the best of both worlds.

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